September Team Newsletter
Hello Team!
With Summer coming to a close, we wanted to take a moment to give everyone an update on the team.
Benefit Corner
First Aid/CPR: For all members of the team, we have bolstered our First Aid / CPR program. Not only have we doubled the amount of classes, but we are also offering classes through the week. Click HERE to access the flyer including the schedule. Contact Kara S. to sign up. As a reminder, having active First Aid / CPR are a requirement for employment.
Align Home Health
EVV: Over the next year, Medicaid will be implementing a system called Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) to all Medicaid patients in Ohio. This system is a way for Medicaid to monitor that services are being received by their patents on an ongoing basis. Over the next year, you may be seeing EVV tablets being installed into Client’s homes. Until we are authorized, there is no need for any member of our team to use these; just continue to clock in and out as normal using Axiscare. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. As we find out new info, we will relay it to the team.
Referral Bonus: We continue to seek talented individuals to join the Align family. So, for anyone who recommends an Aide that successfully on-boards and remains an active member of the team for at least 3 months will receive a $100 bonus!
Align Life Centers
Camp WhatAboutYou: The ALC team completed another successful year of our Summer camp for folks with special needs, Camp WhatAboutYou. The camp had 11 participants this year and did a variety of activities under our roof and in the community as seen HERE. Though it’s sad to seem them go, there were many wonderful memories made over the 10 week program!
Align Team Daycare
Vacancy: From kids going back to school, we have openings for 1 or 2 children at the daycare. If you are interested, please inquire with Judy N.
In Closing
Hope everyone had a fruitful Summer. As we head to Fall, we wanted to remind everyone that there is a very important election in November. In order to vote, individuals must be registered by October 9th, 2018. Everyone can confirm their registration by going HERE. It takes 2 minutes to get set up.
Why is this important? Besides it being your civic duty, Align is offering for all hourly staff, a gift of 1 hour’s compensation for anyone who sends us a selfie outside their polling location with an “I Voted” sticker. For those voting absentee, send us a selfie of you voting from home with your sticker.
Regardless of who you vote for, just get out and participate!